Submission with Research Services & DRA


  • Personnel who will work on the project, including students
  • Tuition should be budgeted for GRAs
  • Materials and supplies
  • Special Equipment
  • Consultants expected to be hired and their rate
  • Subawards*
    • *When working with outside collaborators, or subrecipients, to have a subaward relationship the following documents are required at proposal time:
    • Subrecipient Commitment Form (work with Research Services to determine which form to use)
    • Letter of Support/Collaboration (if required by sponsor)
    • Detailed Budget
    • Budget Justification (documents must meet requirements of sponsor)
    • Statement of Work for their portion of the project
    • Additional documentation required for sponsor submission
  • Incentive Payments
  • Travel Expenses
  • Other costs not addressed above


Compliance Learning Resources

Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative Program