Investing in Collaborative Research

The University of Tennessee-Oak Ridge Innovation Institute’s Science Alliance supports great science, discovery and innovation between UT and Oak Ridge National Laboratory, and improving science programs at UT Knoxville.

  • Distinguished Scientists
  • Graduate Advancement, Training and Education (GATE)
  • Program for Advancing Collaborative Teams (PACT)
  • Student Mentoring and Research Training (SMaRT)
  • Support for Affiliated Research Teams (StART)

To improve selected science programs at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville, and to increase collaboration between the university and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).

  • $7 million annually in support to UT faculty and students (graduate and undergraduate) for joint UT-ORNL research
  • Funding for ~150 graduate students each year
  • StART grants to help faculty members early in their career foster relationships with ORNL to the new Faculty Fellows program that supports developed UT-ORNL collaborations