Won-Young Choi
Research Associate Professor
Won-Young Choi joined UTHSC as a postdoctoral researcher in 2022. During his postdoctoral training, his research focused on developing computational methodologies using various sequencing data, including RNA-seq and ATAC-seq. Choi worked on multiple projects, ranging from detecting gene expression status to identifying alternative isoforms specific to cancer patients.
Choi’s primary research interest lies in understanding the regulatory mechanisms of cancer models by analyzing diverse epigenomic data, such as ATAC-seq, ChIP-seq, and Hi-C. As part of the CRI-DART project, Choi is investigating the mechanisms of radio-resistance in ovarian cancer patients. This work involves collaborating with experts in cell-based experiments and mouse models, generating single-cell transcriptomic and chromatin accessibility data to identify key mechanisms underlying radio-resistance. Ultimately, his goal is to propose potential targets for radiopharmaceutical therapy.
Dr. Choi is open to all kinds of collaborations and looks forward to working with researchers across disciplines.