
  • Power Player: Luke Scime

    Luke Scime, an associate staff scientist and part of the energy systems analytics team, is one of three new University of Tennessee-Oak Ridge Innovation Institute fellows. He uses complex algorithms to program computers to use artificial intelligence to search for flaws in 3D printed items. Appointed for one-year renewable terms, UT-ORII Fellows are responsible for…

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  • Power Player: Tony Schmitz

    Schmitz is working to help rebuild America’s manufacturing industry. A University of Tennessee-Oak Ridge Innovation Institute fellow, Schmitz is a professor in Tickle College of Engineering at the University of Tennessee‘s Department of Mechanical, Aerospace, and Biomedical Engineering and joint faculty for Oak Ridge National Laboratory‘s Manufacturing Demonstration Facility. He focuses on manufacturing research in support of…

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  • Power Player: Nicole McFarlane

    Imagine if cells and computers could talk. That might allow doctors to implant patients with a single programmed cell capable of  measuring health data, such as blood sugar or hormone levels, and communicating those results in real-time. With no delay for tests or lab work, intervention could be immediate. Nicole McFarlane, an associate professor of…

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  • Power Player: John Brantley

    Plastic is everywhere―from food and drink containers to kids’ toys to car parts.  “We produce billions of tons of plastic waste every year, and many of these materials end up in landfills and they eventually infiltrate the environment,” said Brantley, an assistant professor of chemistry. His StART project focuses on developing new techniques for breaking…

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