UT-ORII seeking topics for next $20M convergent research initiative

The University of Tennessee-Oak Ridge Innovation Institute is seeking proposals for its next convergent research initiative (CRI), an emerging area of strength for both UT and Oak Ridge National Laboratory.  Concept papers are due by September 13, 2024.

UT-ORII’s mission is to strategically align ORNL and UT expertise and infrastructure in research and graduate education. A core pillar of UT-ORII’s approach is support for its CRIs. Each of UT-ORII’s CRIs typically receives about $20 million in direct funding to support research faculty at UT and research staff at ORNL who are advancing work in the CRI.

To date, UT-ORII has launched CRIs in four topics:  1) Clean Manufacturing & Advanced Materials, 2) Energy Storage & Transportation, 3) Radiopharmaceuticals, and 4) Circular Bioeconomy Systems. UT-ORII is seeking proposals for its fifth CRI, with plans to launch that initiative in calendar year 2025.  

For more details, go to: UT-ORII-Call-for-CRI-Concept-Papers-2024.pdf (utorii.com). Proposals must be submitted to utorii@ornl.gov before noon on September 13, 2024. Late submissions will not be considered. Questions about the Concept Papers or submission process should be directed to David Sholl, Executive Director, UT-ORII at shollds@ornl.gov.

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