UT-ORII Affiliated Faculty and Students Among R&D 100 winners

We are excited to celebrate Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s 14 R&D 100 Research awards and all the ORNL and UT team members who were part of this year’s winning ORNL teams. 

Amongst these winners are UT-ORNL Governor’s Chair Yilu Liu and several UT-ORNL joint faculty, including at least 12 who serve as Bredesen Center faculty and advisors.   

Joshua New, ORNL Distinguished R&D staff member and Bredesen Center advisor, won the R&D Researcher of the Year award.  New won for his many contributions to building science, energy efficiency and climate change research. New has held a joint faculty position with UT since 2012. He joined ORNL in 2009, after receiving his Ph.D. in Computer Science from UT the same year.  

UT-ORNL Governor’s Chair Yilu Liu led the R&D 100 award-winning project on the, “InertiaMeter: Cost-Effective Real-Time Power System Inertia Monitor,” withUT’s Hongyu Li and Wenpeng Yu. The InertiaMeter project also garnered a Silver award in the  R&D 100 Special Recognition: Green Tech category. 

We also want to congratulate these amazing Bredesen Center UT-ORNL joint faculty and graduate students for their role in developing these R&D 100 winning technologies.  

Polyphase Electromagnetic Couplers for Extreme Fast Wireless Charging of Electric Vehicles

  • Burak Ozpineci, ORNL section head for Vehicle and Mobility Systems, Bredesen Center joint faculty 

High-Efficiency Micro Combined Heat and Power Device  

  • Kashif Nawaz, ORNL section head for Building Technologies Research, Bredesen Center joint faculty 

High Lithium Capacity Sorbents for Direct Lithium Extraction Toward Increased Domestic Critical Mineral Supply Chain 

  • Parans Paranthaman, a Corporate Fellow in ORNL’s Chemical Sciences Division, Bredesen Center joint faculty 

Direct Recycling and Remanufacturing of Li-Ion Battery Electrode Scraps  

  • Ilias Belharouak, ORNL scientist in the Electrification and Energy Infrastructure Division, Bredesen Center joint faculty 

MBE-DAC: Multifunctional Building Equipment for Direct Air Capture 

  • Kashif Nawaz, ORNL scientist in the Buildings and Transportation Science Division, Bredesen Center joint faculty  
  • Jamieson Brechtl, ORNL associate R&D staff member in the Buildings and Transportation Science Division and a Bredesen Center graduate 

Split-Marker for Gene Stacking

  • Xiaohan Yang, ORNL scientist, Bredesen Center joint faculty 
  • Gerald Tuskan, director of the Department of Energy’s Center for Bioenergy Innovation at ORNL and a lead on UT-ORII’s Circular Bioeconomy convergent research initiative 

Selective Mixed Plastic Recycling  

  •  Bobby Sumpter, ORNL’s section head for Theory and Computation in the Center for Nanophase Materials Science, Bredesen Center joint faculty  
  • Tomonori Saito, a ORNL Distinguished R&D staff member with the Chemical Sciences division, Bredesen Center joint faculty 
  • Ilja Popovs, an R&D staff member in the Nanomaterials Chemistry Group with ORNL’s Chemical Sciences Division, Bredesen Center joint faculty  
  • Jackie Zheng, a Ph.D. candidate in the Bredesen Center’s Energy Science and Engineering program 

MAQ: Machine Learning on Adiabatic Quantum Computers  

  • Travis Humble, ORNL’s Quantum Science Center director, Bredesen Center joint faculty 

We’re also very happy to congratulate UT-ORII Executive Director David Sholl for his role in the R&D 100 award winning technology: APEX CDR – Amino acid Process for EXtreme Carbon Dioxide Removal. Sholl also leads ORNL’s Transformational Decarbonization Initiative. 

View the full list of ORNL R&D 100 award winners at https://www.ornl.gov/news/ornl-wins-14-rd-100-research-awards

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